Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sir Assalam-o-Alikum! May Allah grant you health and wellness and make us all benefited from your acts. It’s your order that write your experiences and observations so that it will be benefit for millions and sadqa-e-jarya for you. By keeping this thought in front I am writing my one experience. Husband and wife or whoever is resent, like mother, father, sister, brother, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, friends, it’s beneficial, experienced and succeeded, amulet and blow and wazifa for all which has never been failed with Allah’s mercy. If you have to make resentment between 2 groups so produce sincerity in intention and recite the following wazifa 21 times with durood sharif in start and end and try for reconciliation. In sha Allah tala, you will get success. If there is resentment between husband and wife, if wife or husband lives separately from each other so write its amulet and keep it under some heavy stone. Do take care that the place should be clean. With it, from the names of Allah ( ) according to the numbers of your name, make imagination and recite at morning and evening. In sha Allah, success will be attained. Blow this wazifa on sugar on any sweet thing and make all eat it. Family members can also use it for love (
) (Here in whom you have to make love and admiration, if the amulet has to be written by taking their name and of their mother so of both (بِحَقِّ الْقَلَمِ وَالَّلوْحِ) and write name of mother) (وَ اَدَمِ وَحَوَّاءَ وَنُوْحٍ) (Muhammad Suleman Qasim, Jehlum)